We know that during the course of the year, everyone may see things that may no seem right or may seem unfair to your child or other members of the club. We want you to make us aware of your concerns so that we can correct them, or a the very least, offer an explanation. Based on years of experience, we have established a means of handling these issues effectively and efficiently.
Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the following LA Premier FC Chain of Communication
1st Step:
Discuss with the Coach. This may not always be easy, but it must be the first step. Follow up your communication with an email. Coach’s emails are listed on the website: www.lapremierfc.com
2nd Step:
Discuss with the Age Group Coordinator. Follow up your communication with an email. Age Group Coordinators will be listed on the website with their corresponding phone numbers and email addresses.
3rd Step:
Discuss with the Director of Coaching Boys/Girls. Follow up your communication with an email. The Director of Coaching for Boys and the Director of Coaching for Girls are listed on the website.
4th Step:
Discuss with the VP of Soccer Operations. Follow up your communication with an email. The VP of Soccer Operations is listed on the website.
5th Step:
Discuss with or email the Club President. The Club President is listed on the website.
All players and parents should adhere to a 48 hour post match cooling off period before communicating with a coach.